Are you ready…
…to get unstuck? …to connect? …to change? …to feel? …to live?
Core Energetics is a somatic practice that incorporates neuroscience, biology, psychology, soul and creativity. Developed by John Pierrakos MD, with roots in Wilhelm Reich’s Orgonomy, Core Energetics theory comes from the premise that emotional, mental and physical disturbances are symptoms of blocked energy, due to an individual’s adaptive responses to environmental deficits or injuries in childhood. Core Energetics helps us to work with these energies. NARM is the NeuroAffective Relational Model, also based on Wilhelm Reich’s work and provides the treatment of such injuries and responses toward a successful resolution. Together these two modalities address complex childhood trauma and provide learning and understanding from the body, mind, and soul.
By accessing our unconscious through a practice of attention, movement and breathing, self-understanding expands and an intimate connection to the self (body-mind-soul) begins to emerge. This practice helps you find your authentic voice and challenges you to take life affirming risks.
“Thank you, for believing in me.” –NN
If you’re ready for change… Book a session

Our life experience echoes through how we navigate the present. This can go completely unnoticed. Understanding how the past influences our days can provide us healthy boundaries, self responsibility and dignity.

Self transformation comes through practice. While we learn, we begin to take risks that challenge our old ways and we discover there are other ways as well.

The ability to observe one’s behavior is a skill that takes courage and self compassion. These are attributes we can find within ourselves and are necessary to become grounded in one’s own essence.

As we emerge from our own dogma, we begin to allow more space for our inner spontaneity and the future presents a wider landscape of potential.
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Call (917) 809-5493